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Outreach Programmes of KVK Wayanad- 2022


1. Distribution of vegetable seedlings and organic manures to District Jail, Mananthavady at District jail, Mananthavady on 01-01-2022

2. National Girl Child Day celebration on 24-01-2022

3. Republic Day celebration at KVK Wayanad on 26-01-2022

4. The XVIIIth Scientific Advisory Committee at KVK Wayanad on 08-02-2022

5. World Pulse Day-Green gram Seed distribution and sowing inauguration at Nenmeni Grama panchayath, Sulthan Bathery on 09-02-  2022

6. Demonstration of Cluster FLD- Blackgram at vellithode on 10-02-2022

7. World Pulse day 2022- Black gram seed distribution and sowing programme at Erlottukunnu, Noolpuzha on 10-02-2022

8. International Women's Day celebration at KVK Wayand on 08-03-2022

9. Research Extension Interface at KVK Wayanad on 21-03-2022

10. World Water Day at KVK Wayand on 22-03-2022

11. Inauguration of Participatory mode of pepper planting unit through FPOs and Introduction of apiculture units in Higher Secondary Schools KVK Wayanad on 31-03-2022

12. District level review meeting of FPO’s of Wayanad district at KVK Wayanad on 31-03-2022

13. State level Inauguration of “Njangalum Krishiyilekku” campaign at KVK Wayanad on 20-04-2022

14. Animal Health Clinic at KVK Wayanad on 26-04-2022

15. Jack fest at KVK Wayanad on 26-04-2022

16. Kisan Mela 2022 at KVK Wayanad on 26-04-2022

17. World Bee Day celebration at KVK Wayanad on 20-05-2022

18. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi at KVK Wayanad on 31-05-2022

19. Exhibition stall of ATARI- Zone XI KVK's in National Conference held at Dr. Y S Parmer University of Horticulture and Forestry at Solan, Himachal Pradhesh on 01-06-2022 to 02-06-2022

20. KVK Wayanad –Ambalavayal Village Adoption Programme in association with Ambalavayal Grama Panchayath at Ambalavayal on 02-06-2022

21. KVK Wayanad- Exhibition cum Seminar in convergence with Canara bank at Kalpetta on 06-08-2022

22. International Yoga Day at Public Library, Ambalavayal on 21-06-2022

23. NICRA Project- Supply of inputs and machineries to the farmers Mullankolly, Pulpally on 25-06-2022

24. Farmers- Scientist interaction and Training on "Nursery Management of Pepper" at Seethamount, Pulpally on 05-07-2022

25. ICAR Foundation Day celebration at KVK Wayanad on 16-07-2022

26. Farmers- Scientist interaction on "Pest and disease management in rice" at Kaniyambetta on 18-07-2022

27. Independence Day celebration at KVK Wayanad on 15-08-2022

28. Demonstration of Mechanization in weeding for paddy in NICRA village at Mullankolly on 05-09-2022

29. Demonstration of drone technology in rice in NICRA village at Mullankolly on 05-09-2022

30. National Campaign on Poshan Abhiyan and Tree Plantation at KVK Wayanad on 17-09-2022

31. Demonstration of drone technology in rice in NICRA village at Mullankolly on 20-09-2022

32. Mahila Kisan Diwas- Training on nursery management on 15-10-2022

33. PM Kisan Samman Sammelan - Training on Mushroom cultivation

34. World Food Day- Seminar and hands-on training on value addition of Millets at Nadavayal on 17-10-2022

35. XIXth Scientific Adivisory Committee of KVK Wayanad on 05-11-2022

36. Layer hen distribution programme to farmers of Malappura colony, Naiketty, Sulthan Bathery on 07-11-2022

37. Programme of Distribution of agricultural implements and Biocontrol agents at NICRA Village, Mullankolly on 09-11-2022

38. Vegetable seedlings and biocontrol agents distribution programme at District Jail at Mananthavady on 19-11-2023

39. Vegetable seedlings distribution programme to Bridge course students as a part of Tirunelly Tribal Sub plan at Kattikulam, Mananthavady  on 19-11-2023

40. Animal Health Camp at Mullankolly on 22-11-2022

41. Soil Health Campaign at Mullankolly on 22-11-2022

42. World Soil Day celebration at Kenichira on 05-12-2022

43. Farmer Scientist Interaction in convergence with Agriculture Department at
 KVK Wayanad on 06-12-2022

44. Goats, Biocontrol agents and vegetable seeds distribution programme as a part of scheduled caste sub-plan project at Chittoorkunnu, Nenmeni on 20-12-2022

45. Celebration of National Farmers Day (Kisan Diwas) at KVK Wayanad on 23-12-2022


1. Exhibition at International flower festival -"POOPOLI 2023" at Ambalavayal on 01-01-2023 to 15-01-2023

2. Exhibition and sales counter of KVK Wayanad as a part of International flower festival-Poopoli 2023 at Ambalavayal on 01-01-2023 to 15-01-2023

3. Exhibition of International Year of Millets at International flower festival-"Poopoli 2023" on 01-01-2023 to 15-01-2023

4. Programme of Chicks distribution as a part of Integrated Farming System at Cheeral on 02-01-2023

5. Goats, vegetable seedlings, equipments, azolla and composting inoculum distribution programme at Kolavally as a part of NICRA project.

6. Fish harvesting map out of KVK Wayanad on 13-01-2023

7. Ragi seeds distribution programme at KVK Wayanad on 13-01-2023

8. Vegetable seedlings and seeds distribution programme as a part of SCSP Project at Puthenkinnu on 23-01-2023

9. Demonstration on Green gram cultivation and biofertilizer application as a part of CFLD on pulses at TAPCO, Thrissilery on 31-01-2023

10. Cluster Frontline demonstration and training on Black gram cultivation at Cheeral on 06-02-2023

11. Cluster Frontline Demonstration on cowpea cultivation at Erlottukunnu, Noolpuzha on 07-02-2023

12. Inauguration of release of Liquid Pseudomonas at KVK Wayanad on 17-02-2023

13. Inauguration of release of various leaflets at KVK Wayanad on 17-02-2023

14. Distribution of Farm Implements And Equipments as a part of Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) at Puthenkunnu on 17-02-2023

15. Inauguration of release of Virgin Coconut oil of KVK Wayanad on 17-02-2023

16. Honouring programme of Padmashree. Cheruvayal Raman"Nellachan of Kerala" at KVK Wayanad on 17-02-2023

17. Inauguration of marketing mall of KVK Wayanad on 17-02-2023

18. PM Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN Scheme) Programme at KVK Wayanad on 27-02-2023

19. International Women's day celebration-2023 at KVK Wayanad on 08-03-2023

20. Exhibition stall at "Vithulsavam" conducted at MS Swaminadhan Research Foundation, Puthoorvayal on 10-03-2023

21. Cowpea seeds, Feed suppliments, Vitamins and medicines to prevent mastitis distribution programme at Mullankolly on 14-03-2023

22. Live telecast of International Millets Conference at KVK Wayanad on 18-03-2023

23. Exhibition of KVK Wayanad at District level workshop on International Year of Millets at Mananthavady on 20-03-2023

24. International Day of Forests at KVK Wayanad and Kallumukk on 21-03-2023

25. World water Day celebration at Mullankolly on 22-03-2023

26. World Meteorological Day Celebration at KVK Wayanad on 23-03-2023

27. Inauguration of Poshan Pakhwada Campaign 2023 at Kalpetta on 24-03-2023

28. Campaign on Fish for health and prosperity at Nadavayal on 25-03-2023

29. Annual Review (2022-23) and Annual Action Plan (2023-24) Meeting at ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode on 26-04-2023

30. Inauguration of common facilitation centre for processing of millets at KVK Wayanad on 28-04-2023

31. Live telecast of Mann Ki Baat programme at KVK Wayanad on 30-04-2023

32. Distribution of chicks under SCSP Programme Chittoorkunnu, Sulthan Bathery on 05-05-2023

33. Exhibition stall at the Food Fest conducted by Food Care India at Kalpetta on 26-05-2023 to 02-06-2023

34. Farmer Scientist Extension Interface at Panamaram on 23-05-2023

35. Farmers- Scientist interface at Mananthavady on 25-05-2023

36. KVK Wayanad-Release of Beneficial parasitoid wasp against Tapioca mealy bug at Sulthan Bathery on 01-06-2023

37. World Environmental Day 2023 celebration at KVK Wayanad on 05-06-2023

38. Exhibition of ICAR- KVK’s of Kerala and Lakshadeep at UAS, Bangalore on 22-06-2023 to 24-06-2023

39. Animal Health Campaign Valluvady, Sulthan Bathery 16/7/2023 

40. PM Kisan Samman Sammelan KVK Wayanad 27/7/2023 

41. Distribution of Lime, sampoorna and pseudomonas for SC beneficiaries at Puthankunnu as a part of SCSP Project Puthankunnu                  02/08/2023

42. Farmer-Extension Scientist Interface, Sulthan Bathery 09/08/2023 

43. Vegetable seedling distribution programme to students as a part of Tirunelly Tribal Sub plan at Kattikulam Mananthavady 15/08/2023

44. Evaluation of non conventional soil ameliorants over lime in managing soil acidity and productivity in paddy,Mathamangalam,                        05/09/2023 

45. Assessment of chilly leaf curl virus resistant chilly varieties as part of OFT Ambukuthi 07/09/2023 

46. Distribution of suitable intercrops in early stages of Nendran banana as part of FLD, Andoor, 07-09-2023

47. Distribution of suitable intercrops in early stages of Nendran banana as part of FLD, Chellamkode 07-09-2023

48. Assessment of chilly leaf curl virus resistant chilly varieties as part of OFT Andoor 07-09-2023

49. Integrated Nutrient Management of crops in climate adversities and Introduction of New Generation Fertilizer for NICRA farmers,                   Pulpally, kolavalli 27-09-2023

50. Launching of Sankalp Saptah Programee ( online) at kvk wayanad 30-09-2023




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Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Kerala Agricultural University
Ambalavayal P.O
Wayanad Kerala 673593