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Trainings 2020-2021 & 2021-2022



1. Training on Entrepreneurship Development and Agribusiness Management on 22-07-2020 

2. Training on Value addition in spices on 23-07-2020 

3. Training on Mushroom Cultivation on 18-08-2020 

4. Training on Mushroom Processing on 19-08-2020 

5. Training on Integrated Farming on 16-09-2020 

6. Training on Fodder cultivation on 23-09-2020 

7. Training on Farm Mechanization on 24-09-2020 

8. Training on Subsidy and Scheme of Department of Agriculture, Kerala on 28-09-2020 

9. Training on Commercial Vegetable Cultivation on 01-10-2020 

10. Training on Commercial Cut flower cultivation on 05-10-2020 

11. Training on Climate resilient and agricultural practices on .08-10-2020 

12. Training on Entrepreneurship on 12-10-2020 

13. Training on Integrated Farming System on 14-10-2020 

14. Training on IPDM in Banana on 14-10-2020 

15. Training on Integrated Farming System on 14-10-2020 

16. Training on Pepper Cultivation on 14-10-2020 

17. Training on Importance of Water Management in crop production on 21-10-2020 

18. Training on Passion Fruit Cultivation on 21-10-2020 

19. Training on Integrated Pest and Disease Management on 22-10-2020 

20. Training on Importance of Pest and Disease control in agriculture., harmful and beneficial insects, symptoms, classification of pesticides on 28-10-  2020                        

21. Training on Cyber Extension, Communication Skills on 28-10-2020 

22. Training on Value added milk products- Production and marketing on 30-10-2020 

23. Training on Processing and Value addition of fruits and vegetables on 03-11-2020 

24. Training on Importance of Disease control in agriculture., major disease symptom, management on 04-11-2020 

25. Training on Quality seed production on 04-11-2020 

26. Training on Care and Management of Pet birds on 06-11-2020 

27. Training on Scientific care and management of pet dogs on 10-11-2020 

28. Training on Integrated pest management in crops on 11-11-2020 

29. Training on Irrigation management, micro irrigation systems on 11-11-2020 

30. Training on Value addition in tuber crops on 13-11-2020 

31. Training on Horticulture Crops (Fruits)-1 on 19-11-2020 

32. Training on Horticulture Crops (Fruits)-2 on 19-11-2020 

33. Training on Pulse production and management on 25-11-2020 

34. Training on INM and Liquid Fertilizers on 25-11-2020 

35. Training on Floriculture on 02-12-2020 

36. Training on Landscaping on 02-12-2020 

37. Training on Soil Health Management on 04-12-2020 

38. Training on Farm Bills on 09-12-2020 


39. Training on Growth Regulators on 06-01-2021

40. Training on Extension Reforms, Training to DAESI participants on 06-01-2021

41. Training on Weed Management in Rice on 13-01-2021

42. Training on Extension Methods on 21-01-2021

43. Training on Crop Insurance on 21-01-2021

44. Training on Virtual Tour on 02-02-2021

45. Training on Kissan Call Centres on 02-02-2021

46. Training on "Major flagships programmes of central and state Government related to Agricultural Development" for DAESI on 17-02-2021

47. Training on "Equipments for climate control in green house, PC and PH determination " on 17-02-2021

48. Training on "Precautionary measures in procurement, handling and application of chemical and other agricultural inputs" for DAESI on 17-02-2021

49. Training on Scientific practices in Ginger cultivation on14-05-2021

50. Training on " A basket of flowers at the time of Onam festival " on 17-05-2021

51. Training on '' Value added products of Mushroom '' on 18-05-2021

52. Training on '' Biosecurity measures for disease prevention '' on 20-05-2021

53. Training on World Milk Day 2021 on 01-06-2021

54. Training on ''Vegetable cultivation for Onam season'' on 02-06-2021

55. Training on ''Kitchen garden'' on 04-06-2021

56. Training on the topic "Nutri gardens" on 05-06-2021

57. Training on ''Organic manure preparations for vegetable cultivation'' on 07-06-2021

58. Training on ''Integrated Pest and Disease Management in organic Vegetable cultivation'' on 08-06-2021

59. Cardamom- Integrated Crop Management- Training for DAESI participants on 12-06-2021

60. Counselling techniques for convincing the farmers for better adoption of technologies- Training for DAESI participants on 15-06-2021

61. Fertilizer Awareness Programme on 18-06-2021

62. Plant Nutrients - micro, macro nutrients and Bio-inputs- Training for DAESI participants on 18-06-2021

63. Motivation and market led Extension- Training for DAESI participants on 22-06-2021

64. New generation pesticide and harmful effect of indiscriminate use of agricultural inputs- Training for DAESI participants on 24-06-2021

65. Rules and Act-Fertilizer control order and Essential Commodities Act- Training for DAESI participants on 03-07-2021

66. Rainfed Farming- Natural resource management for dryland agriculture- Training for DAESI participants on 03-07-2021

67. Training on "Higher Education and Employment Opportunities in the Agricultural Sector" - Independence day Celebration ON 15-08-   2021

68. Training programme on “Soil Health and Environment" ON 26-11-2021




1.  Training on Climate Resilient farming practices on 18-06-2020

2.  Training on Integrated Farming system on 30-06-2020

3.  Training on Pollution free poultry farming on 10-07-2020

4.  Training on Value addition of spices on 16-09-2020

5.  Training on Nutrition Garden on 17-09-2020

6.  Training on Pollution free poultry farming on 25-09-2020

7.  Training on Value addition in tapioca on 11-11-2020

8.  Training on Value addition in passionfruit on 12-11-2020

9.  Training on Value addition in Banana on 13-11-2020

10.  Training on IPDM on rice on 13-11-2020

11.  Training on Cool season vegetable cultivation on 24-11-2020

12.  Training on Vegetable cultivation 25-11-2020

13. Training on Value addition in papaya on 02-12-2020 

14. Training on Value addition in papaya on 03-12-2020


15. Training for Farmers on Value addition of Fruits and Vegetables on 02-02-2021

16. Training for farmers on "Value addition of Fruits and Vegetables "(VFPCK) on 02-02-2021

17. Training on "Value addition of Fruits and Vegetables-VFPCK" on 03-02-2021

18. Training for farmers on "Mushroom Cultivation" on 06-02-2021

19. Subiksha Keralam - Training for Kudumbashree on 09-02-2021

20. Training on "Soft Skills in Marketing" for DAESI on 10-02-2021

21. Green Carpet Training for Kudumbashree units on 10-02-2021 to 24-02-2021

22. Training on "Integrated Nutrient Management" for DAESI on 24-02-2021

23. Training on "Commercial crops - Ginger and Turmeric" for DAESI on 24-02-2021

24. Training on Pulse cultivation aspects and Rice cultivation practices on 25-02-2021

25. Training on Bee Keeping on 26-02-2021 to 05-03-2021

26. Training on " Farm mechanization- Scope and importance " for DAESI on 03-03-2021

27. Training on " Commercial crops- Crop production technology of coconut " on 03-03-2021

28. Training on pulse production on 04-03-2021

29. Training on use of bio-control agents and bio-fertilizers on 06-03-2021

30. Training on " Value addition of fruits and vegetables " on 08-03-2021

31. Training on " Propagation methods of Pepper" on 08-03-2021

32. Training on Bee Keeping on 08-03-2021 to 18-03-2021

33. Training on " Production Technology of Banana" on 09-03-2021

34. Training on " Storage pests and their management " for DAESI on 10-03-2021

35. Training on " Precision farming " for DAESI on 10-03-2021

36. Training on " Sources and approximate costs of farm implements and machineries " for DAESI

37. Training on " Stress Management " for DAESI on 18-03-2021

38. Orientation class to the Common Facilitation Center on facility for value addition- To VFPCK Thrissur & Malappuram on 18-03-2021

39. Training on "Value addition facilities in Common Facilitation Center" to Farmers and Extension personnels -VFPCK-Kannur on 18-03-2021

40. Training on " Value addition of Mushroom " on 20-03-2021

41. Orientation class to the value addition equipments in Common Facilitation Center on 22-03-2021

42. PMFME scheme training programme for district level trainers - EDP & ODOP on 23-03-2021

43. Training on Bee Keeping on 23-03-2021 to 30-03-2021

44. Training on " Installation and management of micro irrigation systems- Budget requirement for installation of sprinkler and drip irrigation systems " for DAESI on 24-03-2021

45. Training on "Propagation of horticulture crops" on 24-03-2021

49. Training for Pest Scout in Crop Health Management on 27-08-2021

50. Parthenium awareness training programme on 16-08-2021

51. Training on Mushroom cultivation and spawn production on 24-09-2021

52. Training on Nutri garden for Kudumbashree members on 23-09-2021

53. Practical Training on " Integrated Nutrient Management " for Fertilizer dealers on 14-09-2021

54. Practical Training on " Integrated Nutrient Management " for Fertilizer dealers on 28-10-2021

55. Awareness Programme on "Energy Conservation" for farmers on 23-10-2021

56. Training on " Mushroom Cultivation and Spawn production " on 22-10-2021

57. Training on Bee Keeping on 05-10-2021

58. Training programme on “Soil Health and Environment" on 26-11-2021

59. Training on Mushroom Cultivation for ATMA NGO members on 24-11-2021

60. Training on "Methods of plant propagation" on 23-11-2021

61. Training on "Nutri garden" on 16-11-2021

62. Training on Bee Keeping on 15-11-2021

63. Training on Entrepreneurial opportunity in Fish processing sector on 11-11-2021

64. Swachhata Pakhwada- Awareness program on 31-12-2021

65. Technology week- Training on Scientific management practices in passion fruit cultivation on 31-12-2021

66. Technology week- Training on Scientific management practices in banana cultivation. on 31-12-2021

67. Swachhata Pakhawada- awareness program on 30-12-2021

68. Technology week- Training on "Entrepreneurship in fisheries sector- Problems and solutions" on 30-12-2021

69. Technology week- Training on "Entrepreneurship in livestock sector-Opportunities and challenges" on 30-12-2021

70. Swachhata Pakhoda- Awareness program on 29-12-2021

71. Technology week- Training on Integrated Crop Management in pepper on 29-12-2021

72. Swachhata Pakhowada- awareness program on 28-12-2021

73. Technology week- Training on Fodder grass cultivation on 27-12-2021

74. Swachhata Pakhavada- Training on Vermicomposting technology on 27-12-2021 

75. Swachhata Pakhawada- Training program on composting on 26-12-2021

76. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan- Seminar on Preparation and use of Biocontrol agents and Biofertilizers on 24-12-2021

77. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan-Training on mushroom cultivation. on 24-12-2021

78. Swachhata Pakhawada- Awareness Program on 24-12-2021

79. Jai Jawan Jai Kisan -Training on Scientific Cultivation Practices of Banana on 23-12-2021

80. Swachhata Pakhwada- webinar on "conversion of waste to wealth and safe disposal of all kinds of wastes." on 22-12-2021

81. Swachhata Pakhawada- Awareness Program on cleanliness of water harvesting structures on 21-12-2021

82. Training on "Entrepreneurship possibilities in value addition of agricultural commodities" on 21-12-2021

83. Training on "Integrated Crop Management in Black pepper" on 20-12-2021

84. Swachhata Pakhavada-Waste to Wealth Awareness Programme on 20-12-2021

85. Training on "Propagation methods of pepper" on 20-12-2021

86. Training on "Value addition of fruits and vegetables" for Coffee Board Sulthan Bathery on 15-12-2021

87. Practical Training on " Integrated Nutrient Management " for Fertilizer dealers on 14-12-2021

88. Training on " Nursery and Propagation Techniques" on 13-12-2021

89. Training on "Value addition of fruits and vegetables" for Coffee Board Mananthavady on 08-12-2021

90. Training on "Value addition of fruits and vegetables" for Coffee Board Kalpetta on 07-12-2021


91. Training on "Homestead Nutrigarden" on 01-01-2022

92. Training on "Value addition of fruits" for Agro Service Centre, Kondotty, Malappuram on 12-01-2022

93. Training on " Organic preparations and application of biocontrol agents " on 18-01-2022

94. Training on "Production of value added milk products" on 19-01-2022

95. Training on "Preparation and application of biocontrol agents in rice" on 20-01-2022

96. Training on "Value added products from garlic" on 25-01-2022

97. Krishipadasala - Training on "Organic preparations and Bio control agents " at Panamaram on 05-02-2022

98. Training on "Pulses for nutrition and soil fertility" at Cheeral, Sulthan Bathery on 10-02-2022

99. Training on Beekeeping at KVK Wayanad on 10-02-2022

100. Training on "Mushroom cultivation" for Kudumbashree members at KVK Wayanad on 15-02-2022

101. Training on Mushroom cultivation for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 15-02-2022

102. Training on "Plant propagation techniques" for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad
         on 16-02-2022

103. Training on "Plant propagation techniques" for Kudumbashree members at KVK Wayanad
         on 16-02-2022

104. Training on "Fish rearing" as a part of CIFT project at Kalpetta on 18-02-2022 to 19-02-2022

105. Training on "Kitchen garden" at Ambalavayal on 21-02-2022

106. ODOP PMFME training on Milk- Processing, Packaging and Marketing at KVK Wayanad on 24-02-2022 to 26-02-2022

107. Practical Training on " Integrated Nutrient Management " for Fertilizer dealers at KVK Wayanad on 24-02-2022 to 26-02-2022

108. Training on Value addition of pepper and fruits at Andoor, Ambalavayal on 03-03-2022

109. STRY- Training programme on Mushroom production techniques at KVK Wayanad on 03-03-2022 to 09-03-2022

110. Training on Mushroom cultivation for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 05-03-2022

111. Training on Nursery management for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 07-03-2022

112. EDP Training in Food Processing- LEAP programme at KVK Wayanad on 07-03-2022 to18-03-2022

113. Training on Organic preparations and its application for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 08-03-2022

114. Training for DAESI Participants at KVK Wayanad on 14-03-2022

115. Training for " Karshika Karma Sena" members of Panamaram block at KVK Wayanad on 14-03-2022 to 24-03-2022

116. Training on "Integrated crop management in Ginger cultivation" at KVK Wayanad on 15-03-2022 

117. Training on Value addition of Pappaya for i-STED Wayanad at KVK Wayanad on 16-03-2022 to 17-03-2022

118. Training on Mushroom Cultivation for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 17-03-2022

119. Training on Nursery Propagation for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 18-03-2022

120. Training on Bee Keeping at KVK Wayanad on 18-03-2022 to 26-03-2022

121. Training on the preparation and application of bio pesticides for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 19-03-2022

122. Training on goat rearing at Kattikulam, Mananthavady on 12-05-2022

123. Training on Mushroom Cultivation and Propagation techniques at KVK Wayanad on 17-05-2022

124. Training on the "Use and application of Biocontrol agents" at KVK Wayanad on 20-05-2022

125. Training on "Value addition of Jackfruit" at KVK Wayanad on 21-05-2022

126. Training on " Integrated Nutrient Management " for Fertilizer dealers at KVK Wayanad on 02-06-2022 to 04-06-2022


128. Seminar on “Balanced use of fertilizers” at Public Library, Ambalavayal on 21-06-2022

129. Training on Mushroom Cultivation at KVK Wayanad on 29-06-2022

130. Training on "Integrated Crop Management in Rice" at Seethamount, Pulpally on 05-07-2022

131. Training on " Preparation and application of Trichoderma and Pseudomonas" at Kaniyambetta Krishibhavan on 06-07-2022

132. Training on cattle rearing at Karani, Meenangadi on 20-07-2022

133. Training on Mushroom cultivation at KVK Wayanad on 10-08-2022

134. Training on Value addition of Fruits and Vegetables for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 17-08-2022

135. Training on Mushroom cultivation for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 19-08-2022

136. Training on "Organic preparations and Application of Biocontrol Agents" for Gothra Sarathi membersat KVK
        Wayanad on 19-08-2022

137. Training on propagation techniques at KVK Wayanad on 20-08-2022

138. Training on Nursery Management at KVK Wayanad on 26-08-2022

139. Practical training on Mushroom cultivation at KVK Wayanad on 02-09-2022

140. Training on "Familiarization of biocontrol agents, biofertilizer, biopesticides (Entomopathogens) and 
organic preparations" at Kattikulam, Mananthavady on 16-09-2022

141. Training to Extension personnels- Training on application of drone in agriculture at Mullankolly on 20-09-2022

142. Training on Nursery Propagation for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 24-09-2022

143.  Training on Mushroom cultivation for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 24-09-2022

144. Training on value addition of mushroom in collaboration with Farmer Training Centre at Vengeri, Calicut on 24-09-2022 

145. Training on Safe use of pesticides and organic preparation suitable for pest and disease management at Kunnamangalam, Calicut on 27-09-2022

146. Training on value addition of fruits and vegetables at Kunnamangalam, Calicut on 28-09-2022

147. Training on New technologies of Kerala Agricultural University at Kunnamangalam, Calicut on 28-09-2022

148. Training on New technologies of Kerala Agricultural University at Vengapally on 30-09-2022

149. Training on Cool season vegetable at Vellamunda, Mananthavady on 30-09-2022

150. Training on soil health management at Vellamunda, Mananthavady on 30-09-2022

151. Training on Mushroom cultivation at KVK Wayanad on 06-10-2022

152. Training on value addition of fruit and vegetables at KVK Wayanad on 12-10-2022

153. Training on Pest and disease management in Rice at Nadavayal on 12-10-2022

154. Training on method demonstration of VAM production, vermicompost and Trichoderma enrichment at 
        Kaniyambetta on 13-10-2022

155. Training on Climate Smart Agriculture for Sreyas NGO at Pulpally on 15-10-2022

156. Mahila Kisan Diwas- Training on nursery management on 15-10-2022

157. PM Kisan Samman Sammelan - Training on Mushroom cultivation on 17-10-2022

158. World Food Day- Seminar and hands-on training on value addition of Millets at Nadavayal on 17-10-2022

159. Capacity building training programme for extension officials at Panamaram on 17-10-2022

160. Training on Bee keeping at KVK Wayanad on 18-10-2022

161. Capacity building training programme for extension officials at Sulthan Bathery on 18-10-2022

162. Training on Mushroom cultivation KVK Wayanad on 26-10-2022

163. Training on Cool season vegetables and Nursery management at Kenichira on 28-10-2022

164. Training on cool season vegetables and propagation techniques at Kalpetta on 01-11-2022

165. Training on " Man animal conflict- Techniques in mitigating them" at Mananthavady on 04-11-2022

166. Training on Recent advances techniques in urban agriculture and sustainable farming, Soil less cultivation, Food scaping and Container planting at Mananthavady on 04-11-2022

167. Training on Poultry rearing at Noolpuzha Panchayath on 07-11-2022

168. RAWE Training for students from CoA Padannakkad on 07-11-2022 to 09-11-2022 at KVK Wayanad on 08-11-2022

169. Training on organic preparations suitable for pest and disease management at KVK Wayanad on 08-11-2022

170. Training on value addition of Coconut at KVK Wayanad on 10-11-2022

171. Training on Recent advances techniques in urban agriculture and sustainable farming, Soil less cultivation, Food scaping and Container planting at Sulthan Bathery on 10-11-2022

172. Training on crop protection of vegetables at KVK Wayanad on 11-11-2022

173. Training on "Man-animal conflict and techniques to mitigate them" at Kalpetta on 16-11-2022

174. Capacity Building training programme on vegetable production at Chekadi, Pulpally on 17-11-2022 

175. Workshop on Coffee Processing for Department of Cooperation , Government of Kerala, sponsored by AIF (Agricultural Infrastructure Fund) Scheme at KVK Wayanad on 23-11-2022

176. Capacity building training programme on "Mushroom cultivation" at Sulthan Bathery on 25-11-2022

177. Training on Organic agents preparations for VHSE students of Ambalavayal school at KVK Wayanad on 25-11-2022

178. Training on Value addition of fruits at FTC Vengeri, Kozhikode on 01-12-2022

179.  Training on soil health management and Propagation techniques at Kenichira on 05-12-2022

180. Training on Mushroom cultivation as a part of IFS Training at KVK Wayanad on 05-12-2022

181. On Job Training for students from GVHSS Thamarassery and GVHSS Kalpetta at KVK Wayanad on 05-12-2022

182. Training on "Good Agricultural Practices for rice crop production" at Mananthavady on 07-12-2022

183. Training on Value addition of banana at KVK Wayanad on 07-12-2022

184. Training on Integrated Crop Management in Rice at Thavinjal Panchayath on 07-12-2022

185. Capacity building training programme Recent advances techniques in urban agriculture and sustainable farming, Soil less cultivation, Food scaping and Container planting for extension officials at Kalpetta on 07-12-2022

186. Training on Cultivation practices and pest & disease management in vegetables at Valad on 09-12-2022

187. Training on Nursery Management of coconut and fruit crops to Engineer and oversears at Mananthavady on 12-12-2022

188. Training on nursery management of coconut and fruit crops at Mananthavady on 12-12-2022

189. Training on Bee keeping as a part of Integrated Farming System training programme at KVK Wayanad on 13-12-2022

190. Training on Propagation techniques and pest & disease management in vegetables at Thariyode on 13-12-2022

191. Training on Development of Farm Plan as a part of Integrated Farming System training programmeat KVK Wayanad on 14-12-2022

192. Training on Production technology of VAM / Mycorrhizae at Panamaram on 14-12-2022

193. Training on Fish Farming as a part of Integrated Farming System training programme at KVK Wayanad on 15-12-2022

194. Training on Silage preparation at KVK Wayanad on 17-12-2022

195. Training on Natural Farming at KVK Wayanad on 17-12-2022

196. Training on biocontrol agents, pest and disease management in coconut at Payyambally, Pulpally on 19-12-2022

197. Training on “Pest and disease management in banana” at Chittoorkunnu, Nenmeni on 20-12-2022

198. Training on Mushroom cultivation for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 20-12-2022

199. Training on “Goat rearing and disease management” at Chittoorkunnu, Nenmeni on 20-12-2022

200. Training on "Nursery Management & Propagation" for Gothra Sarathi members at KVK Wayanad on 21-12-2022

201. Training on Mushroom Cultivation for students of GHSS Vaduvanchal as a part of 7 days NSS Camp at GLPS Andoor, Ambalavayal at Andoor, Ambalavayal

202. Training on "Soil Health Management" as a part of KISAN DIWAS celebration at KVK Wayanad on 23-12-2022

203. On the Job training programme for students from GVHSS Sulthan Bathery and GVHSS Ambalavayal at KVK Wayanad on 26-12-2022 to 30-12-2022

204. Training on Value addition on honey at KVK Wayanad on 31-12-2022


1. Training on Poultry rearing at Cheeral on 02-01-2023

2. Training on Vegetable cultivation and propagation techniques KVK Wayanad on 07-01-2022

3. Training on Natural Farming at KVK Wayanad on 09-01-2023

4. Training on Natural Farming  at KVK Wayanad on 10-01-2023

5. Training on Integrated Farming system for farmers under ADA Malappuram KVK Wayanad on 10-01-2023

6. Training on Natural Farming at KVK Wayanad on 11-01-2023

7. Training on Organic preparations its applications at KVK Wayanad on 12-01-2023

8. Training on Organic preparations and its applications at KVK Wayanad on 12-01-2023

9. Training on Natural Farming at KVK Wayanad on 13-01-2023

10. Training on value addition of ginger and pineapple at KVK Wayanad on 18-01-2023

11. Sponsored seminar on "Energy management by effective use of pump sets and other equipments in agricultural sector" by Energy  Management Centre, Trivandrum at KVK Wayanad on 27-01-2023

12. Skill Training of Rural Youth on " Mushroom production techniques" at KVK Wayanad on 30-01-2023 to 04-02-2023

13. Training on Pulse cultivation and use of biofertilizer application in pulse crops at Erlottukunnu, Noolpuzha on 07-02-2023

14. Training on Pepper Cultivation and Integrated pest and disease management at KVK Wayanad on 14-02-2023

15. Training on Vegetable cultivation at KVK Wayanad on 17-02-2023

16. Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati (BPKP) Training at KVK Wayanad on 17-02-2023

17. Training on Natural Farming at KVK Wayanad on 17-02-2023

18. Training on Vegetable cultivation for farmers from ATMA Elamdesam block  at KVK Wayanad on 22-02-2023

19. Training on Value addition of millets at KVK Wayanad on 24-02-2023

20. Training on Natural farming and silage preparation at KVK Wayanad on 25-02-2023

21. Training on Integrated Disease Management in pepper and ginger as a part of National Science day at KVK Wayanad on 27-02-2023

22. Training on Silage preparation as a part of Integrated Farming System KVK Wayanad on 03-03-2023

23. Agriculture workshop on petroleum conservation and use of agriculture equipments at Puthenkunnu, Sulthan Bathery on 08-03-2023

24. Training on "Vegetable cultivation" at KVK Wayanad on 08-03-2023

25. Training on "Mushroom cultivation" at Thelambatta, Sulthan Bathery on 08-03-2023

26. Training on "Value addition of Millets"  at KVK Wayanad on 08-03-2023

27. Training on "Mushroom cultivation" for ST farmers at Malappura colony, Naiketty on 13-03-2023

28. Training on “Lumpy skin disease (LSD) in cattle- Awareness and prevention” at Mullenkolly on 14-03-2023

29. Training on vegetable cultivation to farmers from ATMA Kozhikode- Balussery block at KVK Wayanad on 15-03-2023

30. Training on Branding, Packaging and Marketing of value added products for FPO farmers from ATMA Kozhikode of Balussery block at 
KVK Wayanad on 15-03-2023

31. Training on New generation pesticides and biocontrol agents at Vellamunda, Mananthavady on 15-03-2023

32. Training on "Millets for opportunity in Natural farming"at KVK Wayanad on 18-03-2023

33. Market development scheme- block level training programme at Kalpetta on 20-03-2023

34. Training on millet cultivation and marketing at Thonichal on 20-03-2023

35. Training on "Farming practices in forest border areas" at Kallumukk on 21-03-2023

36. Training on "Rain water harvesting- models for drought affected areas" at Mullankolly on 22-03-2023

37. Training on Mushroom cultivation for Kudumbashree members of Wayanad district at KVK Wayanad on 18-04-2023

38. Training on Value addition of Mushroom for Kudumbashree members at KVK Wayanad on 19-04-2023

39. Training on Mushroom cultivation at KVK Wayanad on 25-04-2023

40. Training on value addition possibilities of jackfruit for FPO members from Koduvally block at KVK Wayanad on 03-05-2023

41. Training on value addition possibilities of jackfruit at KVK Wayanad on 04-05-2023

42. Training on Poultry rearing at Chittoorkunnu, Sulthan Bathery on 05-05-2023

43. Training on Vegetable cultivation for farmers from ATMA, Thodannur block at KVK Wayanad on 23-05-2023

44. Training on preparation of dehydrated products from jackfruit, banana and mango at KVK Wayanad on 25-05-2023

45. Seminar on "The role of technology in enhancing climate smart agriculture in cocoa cultivation" at KVK Wayanad on 26-05-2023

46. Training on Banana cultivation at Noolpuzha on 31-05-2023

47. Seminar on "Value addition- to reduce wastage of horticultural crops" at Neervaram, Panamaram on 05-06-2023

48. Training on Marigold cultivation at Block panchayat hall, Kunnamangalam on 08-06-2023

49. Training on “Marigold cultivation at Mukkam, Calicut on 08-06-2023

50. ICAR-KVK Wayanad-Training for the master trainers under the FPPP project Phase II at KVK Waynad on 13-06-2023 to 15-06-2023

51. Training on value addition of Mushroom at KVK Wayanad on 16-06-2023

52. Training on Organic Farming in Coffee at Ambalakunnu colony, Ambalavayal on 07/07/2023 

53. Training on protected cultivation of vegetables KVK Wayanad 16/07/2023

54. Training on Organic farming  KVK Wayanad 17/07/2023 

55. Training on Value addition of jackfruit KVK Wayanad 18/07/2023 

56. Training on Mushroom cultivation KVK Wayanad 22/07/2023

57. Training on Value Addition of Amla KVK Wayanad 26/07/2023

58. PM Kisan Samman Sammelan - Training on Macro Propagation of Banana KVK Wayanad 27/07/2023 

59. Training on Value Addition of Jack Fruit KVK Wayanad 02/08/2023 

60. Training on propping of Banana using ring and string method Pothuketti  05/08/2023

61. Safe to Eat Programme KVK Wayanad  08/08/2023

62. Training on Different propagation techniques and cool season vegetable cultivation, Neervaram 09/08/2023

63.Training on nutrient deficiency in banana and its management Pothuketti, 11/08/2023

64. Banana pest and management Pothuketti, 17/08/2023

65. KAU-DoE-Monthly Technology Advisory (MTA) Meeting, KVK Wayanad,22/08/2023

66. DAESI Training for input dealers, KVK Wayanad, 23/08/2023

67. Integrated Nutrient Management, Bio-inputs Production Technology and application methods Training for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK            Wayanad, 07/09/2023 

68. Crop production technology of vegetables Training for DAESI input dealers KVK Wayanad 07/09/2023 

69. Major Flagship Programmes of Central and State Governments related to Agricultural Development Training for DAESI Input Dealers           KVK Wayanad 13-09-2023

70.Familiarizing farm implements, repair and maintenance. (Custom hiring centers)Training for DAESI Input dealers KVK Wayanad


71.Training on Organic cultivation of Vegetables Kambalakkad 13-09-2023

72. District level workshop on Climate Adapted Farming and Value added Entrepreneurship : Role of Rural Women, Venniyode 16-09-2023

73. Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, Edavaka , 19-09-2023

74. Training on classification of fungicides for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 20-09-2023

75. Training on Seeds, seed treatments, types of seeds for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 20-09-2023

76. Drone pilot training, Pune, 22-09-2023 to 24-09-2023

77. Training on APMC Act, Sales tax, VAT for DAESI Input Dealers , KVK Wayanad 27-09-2023

78. Training on Floriculture, Landscaping and lawn maintenance for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad 27-09-2023

79. Training on Mushroom cultivation ,KVK Wayanad 29-09-2023

80. Training on Value addition of banana, KVK Wayanad, 30-09-2023

81. KAU-DoE Monthly Technology Advisory (MTA) Meeting, KVK Wayanad, 04-10-2023

82. Training on Production Technology of pepper for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 04-10-2023

83. Training on Problematic Soils and their management, Nutrient deficiency symptoms for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad,

      04-10- 2023

84. Discussion on Millet cultivation in Wayanad, KVK Wayanad, 05-10-2023

85. Training on character development, KVK Wayanad, 06-10-2023

86. Training on Organic Farming,  KVK Wayanad, 06-10-2023

87. FPO Training and crop demonstration, Kenichira, 10-10-2023

88. XVI Agricultural Science Congress, Kochi, 10-10-2023 to 13-10-2023

89. Training on Overview of Agricultural Production Systems for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 11-10-2023

90. Training on Agro ecological situation and agro-eco system approach for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 11-10-2023

91. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Sucker Selection and Sucker Treatment, Maanivayal, 11-10-2023

92. Training on Fertilizer requirement of major crops, nutrient management and fertilizer calculation for DAESI Input Dealers,KVK                       Wayanad, 13-10-2023 

93. Training on Seed Act, Insecticide Act, Fertilizer Control Order for DAESI Input Dealers,KVK Wayanad, 13-10-2023

94. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana after cultivation and special practices, Maanivayal, 14-10-2023

95.ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Deficiency in Banana, Maanivayal, 16-10-2023

96. Training on New generation pesticides, Precautionary measures in handling and application of chemicals and other agricultural inputs           for DAESI Input Dealers,KVK Wayanad, 17-10-2023

97. Training on Cyber Extension : Concept, various Agricultural Information sources for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 17-10-2023

98. Technology Clinic on Food Packaging,  KVK Wayanad, 17-10-2023 to 18-10-2023

99. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Sucker Selection and Sucker Treatment, Thavani, 18-10-2023

100. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Pest Management, Maanivayal, 20-10-2023

101. Training on Poultry rearing for sreyas lady farmers, Ambukuthi, 21-10-2023

102. Training on Use of Plastics in Agriculture for DAESI Input Dealers,  KVK Wayanad, 25-10-2023

103. Training on Installation of drip, sprinkler irrigation and poly house for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 25-10-2023

104. Training on Organic Farming,  KVK Wayanad, 26-10-2023

105.KAU-DoE Monthly Technology Advisory (MTA) Meeting, KVK Wayanad, 26-10-2023

106. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Disease Management, Maanivayal, 26-10-2023

107. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Mushroom cultivation, Perumbhadikunnu, 27-10-2023

108. Discussion on Millet cultivation at PAO Office, PAO Office Wayanad,  27-10-2023

109. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana after cultivation and special practices, Thavani, 28-10-2023

110. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Mushroom Spawn Production, Perumbhadikunnu, 30-10-2023

111. Consultative Meeting on WB aided KERA Project, KVK Wayanad, 01/11/2023

112. Training on Integrated Weed Management for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 01/11/2023

113. Training on Production Technology of Paddy for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 01/11/2023

114. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Deficiency symptoms, Thavani, 02/11/2023

115. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Mushroom cultivation, Moolankavu,  03/11/2023

116. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Pest Management, Thavani, 04/11/2023

117. Capacity Building Cum Input Distribution Programme under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) , KVK Wayanad, 04/11/2023

118. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Disease Management and Post Harvest Handling,  Thavani, 06/11/2023

119. Training programme on MoEF & CC funded "Study tour on bamboo wonder grass", Coimbatore, 07/11/2023

120. Training on Production Technology of Banana For DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 08/11/2023

121. Training on Major Pests of Vegetables for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 08/11/2023

122. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Mushroom Bed preparation, Pest & Disease management & Coir pith composting,                          Perumbhadikunnu, 08/11/2023

123. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana after cultivation and special practices, Kuppadi, Pazheri, 10/11/2023

124. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Mushroom Bed preparation, Pest & Disease management & Coir pith composting,                          Moolankavu, 10/11/2023

125. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Pest Management, Kuppadi, Pazheri, 13/11/2023

126. Training on Weather Parameters and Their Impact on Agriculture Production for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 14-11-2023

127. Training on Climate Smart Agriculture Practices for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 14-11-2023

128. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Sucker Selection and Sucker Treatment, Moolankavu, 14-11-2023

129. Training on Mushroom cultivation, Block Panchayath Hall, Panamaram, 14-11-2023

130. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Sucker Selection and Sucker Treatment, Cheeral, 15-11-2023

131. Karshika Karma Sena Training,  KVK Wayanad, 15-11-2023

132. One Day Awareness Seminar on Ground Water Status and Conservation, KVK Wayanad, 16-11-2023

133. Training on Mushroom cultivation, KVK Wayanad, 16-11-2023

134. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana after cultivation and special practices, Cheeral, 17-11-2023

135. Training on Selection and Design of Micro Irrigation System, Mananthavady, 17-11-2023

136. Training for Pepper Farmers, KVK Wayanad , 17-11-2023

137. Value addition of all agricultural crops, Veengeri, 17-11-2023

138. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Mushroom cultivation, Ayiramkolly, 18-11-2023

139. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana after cultivation and special practices, Moolankavu, 18-11-2023

140. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Disease Management, Kuppadi, Pazheri, 20-11-2023

141. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Deficiency symptoms, Moolankavu, 21-11-2023

142. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Pest Management and Nutrient management, Cheeral, 22-11-2023

143. Training on Production Technology of Pulses for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 22-11-2023

144. Training on Climate Resilient Agriculture and Natural Recourse management for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 22-11-2023

145. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Post Harvest Handling and Weed Management, Kuppadi, Pazheri, 23-11-2023

146. Expert Interaction Programme, Kalpetta, Munderi, 24-11-2023

147. Training on Mushroom cultivation, Thariyode, 24-11-2023

148. Expert Interaction Programme, Kalpetta, Munderi, 24-11-2023

149. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Disease Management, Cheeral, 24-11-2023

150. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Pest Management, Moolankavu, 25-11-2023

151. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Mushroom Spawn Production, Ayiramkolly, 25-11-2023

152. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Disease Management, Moolankavu, 27-11-2023

153. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Mushroom Bed preparation, Pest & Disease management & Coir pith composting,                           Ayiramkolly, 28-11-2023 

154. Training on IPM OF Vegetables, Panamaram,  28-11-2023

155. Training on Macro and Micro nutrient deficiencies, symptoms and management for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 29-11-2023

156. Training on Production Technology of Rubber for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 29-11-2023

157. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Post Harvest Handling and Weed Management, Cheeral, 29-11-2023

158. Training on Safe Use of Glyphosate, KVK Wayanad, 29-11-2023

159. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Banana Post Harvest Handling and schemes related to FPO, Moolankavu, 30-11-2023

160. Training on " Value addition of Tubers ", KVK Wayanad 01-12-2023

161. On the Job training programme for students from GVHSS Mananthavady and GVHSS Kalpetta. KVK Wayanad, 04-12-23 to

        08-12-23 and 22-12-2023 

162. Seed Capital SHG Training on New Trends in Processing and Value Addition, KVK Wayanad, 06-12-2023

163. Training on Pre and Post Emergent Weedicide for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 07-12-2023

164. Training on Soil Profile and Importance of soil testing for DAESI Input Dealers

165. Training on Millet and Milk products, KVK Wayanad, 07-12-2023

166. Training on Cardamom, KVK Wayanad, 12-12-2023

167. Training on Diseases of Ginger for DAESI Input Dealers,KVK Wayanad, 12-12-2023

168. Training on Production and Protection Technology of Cardamom for DAESI Input Dealers,KVK Wayanad, 12-12-2023

169. Training on Pepper,KVK Wayanad, 13-12-2023

170. Training For Master Trainers Under The FPPP Project, KVK Wayanad, 18-12-2023 to 20-12-2023

171. Training on Natural Farming, Shivamogga, 19-12-2023 to 23-12-2023

172. Training on " Value addition of Pineapple " and Vegetable cultivation, KVK Wayanad, 21-12-2023

173. Training on Bee Keeping, KVK Wayanad, 21-12-2023

174. Training on Precision Farming for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 22-12-2023

175. Training on Handling of farm implements and equipment for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 22-12-2023

176. On the Job training programme for students from GVHSS Ambalavayal and GVHSS Sulthan Bathery., KVK Wayanad, 22-12-2023 to             26-12-2023 and 30-12-2023

177. Training on Kissan Call Centre for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 28-12-2023

178. Training on Communication skills for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 28-12-2023

179. Training on Prathan Manthri Formalization of Micro Food Processing Entrepreneur scheme (PMFME), KVK Wayanad, 28-12-2023 to             30-12-2023


1. Familiarizing with Machines for Value added Products, KVK Wayanad, 04-01-2024

2. Training on Pest of Banana and their control measures for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 05-01-2024

3. Training on Innovative Technologies for Profitable Banana Cultivation for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 05-01-2024

4. Training on Use of Application of Biocontrol Agents in Agriculture,  KVK Wayanad, 05-01-2024

5. Training on e-marketing of agricultural Products for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 11-01-2024

6. Training on Preparation of low cost Bio inputs for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 11-01-2024

7. Training on Importance of Organic Farming in Vegetable Cultivation, KVK Wayanad, 11-01-2024

8. Drone pilot training, Thrissur, 16-01-2024 to 17-01-2024

9. Training on Pests of Black Pepper and Control Measures for DAESI Input Dealers ,  KVK Wayanad, 17-01-2024

10. Training on Physiological disorders in crops for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 17-01-2024

11. Training on coconut cultivation, KVK Wayanad, 22-01-2024

12. Training on Banana cultivation, KVK Wayanad, 22-01-2024

13. Training on Vegetable cultivation and pest and disease management, KVK Wayanad, 23-01-2024

14. Training on Integrated Pest and Disease Management of Vegetables, KVK Wayanad, 24-01-2024

15. Training on Diseases of Cucurbits and Solanaceae's crops and their management for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad,


16. Training on Pests of Coconut and Their management for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 24-01-2024

17. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Mushroom Cultivation, KVK Wayanad, 29-01-2024

18. Training on Mushroom Cultivation, KVK Wayanad, 29-01-2024

19. Training on Vegetable cultivation and pest and disease management, KVK Wayanad, 29-01-2024

20. Farmers Training Center (FTC) Training on Value addition, Veengeri, 30-01-2024

21.Training for Drone piolets, KVK Wayanad and RARS Ambalavayal field, 01-02-2024

22. Training on Natural Farming, Niravilpuzha, 03-02-2024

23.Training on Natural Farming for NICRA Farmers, Mullankolli, Kolavalli, 05-02-2024

24. Training on Pests of major fruit crops and their control measures for DAESI Input Dealers , KVK Wayanad, 07-02-2024

25. Training on K - Swift for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 07-02-2024

26. Training on Natural Farming for DAESI Input Dealers , KVK Wayanad, 14-02-2024

27. Training on Storage Pests of major crops and their control measures for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 14-02-2024

28. KAU-DoE Monthly Technology Advisory (MTA) Meeting,  KVK Wayanad, 16-02-2024

29. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Natural Farming, KVK Wayanad, farmers from Thelambetta, 20-02-2024

30. Training on Principles and Practices of seed production for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 21-02-2024

31. Training on Liquid fertilizers for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 21-02-2024

32. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Natural Farming, KVK Wayanad, farmers from cheeral, 21-02-2024

33. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Natural Farming, KVK Wayanad, farmers from Odapullam, 22-02-2024

34. ICICI Foundation Sponsored Training on Natural Farming, KVK Wayanad, farmers from Thavani, 23-02-2024

35. Training on Natural Farming, Venniyod, 27-02-2024

36. e-office Training, Thrissur, 27-02-2024

37. Training on Natural Farming, Venniyod, 28-02-2024

38. Training on Bee Keeping,  KVK Wayanad, 04-03-2024

39. e-office Training, Thrissur, 05-03-2024

40. Training on Methods of Irrigation for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 06-03-2024

41. Training on Seed Certification Process for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 06-03-2024

42. Training on Production Technology of Millets for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 14-03-2024

43. Training on Diseases of paddy for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 14-03-2024

44. Training on Mushroom Cultivation , KVK Wayanad, 15-03-2024

45. Skill Development Training on Mushroom cultivation for Gothra Sarathi members, KVK Wayanad, 15-03-2024

46. Skill Development Training on Organic preparation and Bio control agents for Gothra Sarathi members, KVK Wayanad, 16-03-2024

47. Skill Development Training on "Plant propagation techniques" ( Budding, Grafting, Layering) for Gothra Sarathi members, KVK                     Wayanad, 18-03-2024

48. Training on Organic Farming, KVK Wayanad, 21-03-2024

49. Training on Value Addition of Pineapple, KVK Wayanad, 22-03-2024

50. Training on "Plant propagation techniques" ( Budding, Grafting, Layering) , KVK Wayanad, 25-03-2024

51. Training on Mushroom Cultivation,  KVK Wayanad, 26-03-2024

52. Training on First aid, Precautionary Measures in Handling Chemicals and Other Agricultural Inputs for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK                   Wayanad, 26-03-2024

53. Training on Production Technology of Major Fruit Crops for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 26-03-2024

54. The Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) programme for students of College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara, KVK Wayanad,                   02/04/2024 To 04/04/2024  

55. Training on Apiculture, Major Pests and diseases affecting honey bees for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 03-04-2024

56. Training on Production Technology of Sugarcane and Sunflower for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 03-04-2024

57. Training on Propagation techniques of different crops for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 17-04-2024

58. Training on Cultivation practices of Arecanut for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 17-04-2024

59. The Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) programme for students of College of Agriculture, Padanakkad, KVK Wayanad,                  20/04/2024 To 25/04/2024

60. Training on Value addition of Passion fruit, KVK Wayanad, 22-04-2024

61. Training on Counseling : Application of there concepts for convincing the farmers for better adoption techniques for DAESI Input                  Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 23-04-2024

62. Training on Nursery Management for DAESI Input Dealers , KVK Wayanad, 23-04-2024

63. Training on Different Hybridization Techniques for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 08-05-2024

64. Training on First aid, Precautionary measures to be taken while handling chemicals for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad,


65. Training on Value addition of Forest Produce Green mango, Jack fruit, Ginger, KVK Wayanad, 15-05-2024

66. Training on Value addition of Forest Produce Green mango, Jack fruit, Ginger, KVK Wayanad, 15-05-2024

67. Training on Acts, rules and regulations related to food for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 15-05-2024

68. Training on Value addition of Forest Produce Green mango, Jack fruit, Ginger, KVK Wayanad, 15-05-2024

69. Skill Development Training on "Vegetative propagation techniques" ( Budding, Grafting, Layering), KVK Wayanad, 16-05-2024

70. Training on Vegetable cultivation, KVK Wayanad, 16-05-2024

71. Regional Consultation on Science of Natural Farming, Pune, Maharashtra, 16-05-2024

72. Training on Soil erosion control measures for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 29-05-2024

73. Training on Hybridization Techniques in Coconut for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 29-05-2024

74. Training on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 05-06-2024

75. Training on Importance of Millets in Diet and Value Addition for DAESI Input Dealers,KVK Wayanad, 05-06-2024

76. Training on Fertilizer recommendation for different crops for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 12-06-2024

77. Training on Cultivation of Minor Fruits for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 12-06-2024

78. Training on Value addition of Tubers, KVK Wayanad, 25-06-2024

79. Training on Vegetable cultivation, KVK Wayanad, 26-06-2024

80. Training on Weed Management for DAESI Input Dealers , KVK Wayanad, 26-06-2024

81. Training on Major Horticultural crops in Wayanad for DAESI Input Dealers, KVK Wayanad, 26-06-2024

82. Training For Master Trainers Under The FPPP Project, KVK Wayanad, 27-06-2024 to 29-06-2024