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Front Line Demonstration 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-2023 & 2023-24


1. Demonstration of onion variety in Wayanad district

2. Demonstration of wilt resistant tomato variety Manuprabha with in homesteads

3. Demonstration of strawberry cultivation in Wayanad

4. Rejuvenation of arecanut palms by soil test based nutrient management

5. Demonstration of short duration heat tolerant cowpea variety PGCP 6 for drought prone rice fallows

6. Demonstration of high yielding short duration rice variety Manuratna for puncha season in Wayanad

7. Demonstration of biocontrol agents for the management of sucking pests in cowpea

8. Demonstration of management of leaf spot disease in banana by application of Pseudomonas fluorescence

9. Demonstration of Value Addition of Mushroom

10. Demonstration on wilt resistant tomato variety Manuprabha

11. Demonstration of Sampoorna KAU multimix spray using UAV

12. Demonstration of social media platforms for agricultural marketing of fruits and vegetables

13. Demonstration of Biosecurity measures in small scale farms for disease prevention

14. Demonstration of Fodder Cowpea variety CO9 for improving the nutrient composition of the ration

15. Demonstration of estrus synchronization in goats

16. Rhizome rot management in ginger with PGPR capsules


1. Demonstration of agricultural technologies for urban homesteads in Wayanad

2. Demonstration of drone technology in rice

3. Demonstration of ridges and furrow method of planting in carrot cultivation

4. Popularization of broccoli (Pusa Broccoli KS-1) in Wayanad district

5. Demonstration of inter cropping of cluster bean (Suruchi) with banana

6. Demonstration of water melon Swarna and Shonima (seedless watermelon)

7. Demonstration of different pre mix herbicide (Vivaya) formulations for broad spectrum weed control in rice

8. Demonstration of finger millet variety ATL-1 in summer rice fallows

9. Demonstration of drought resistant fodder crops in homesteads

10. Integrated management of bud rot in coconut

11. Integrated Pest Management in Banana for the management of pseudo stem weevil

12. Demonstration of coleus skin peeler

13. Demonstration of fodder oats and fodder cowpea for improving the nutrient composition of the       ration

14. Demonstration of integrated farming system for enhancing income

15. Demonstration of integrated control methods to prevent wild animal attacks on crops


1. Demonstration on early post-emergent soil  applied herbicide (Saathi or Londax power ) for weed management in rice

2. Demonstration of high yielding rice variety Pournami for Puncha season in Wayanad 

3. Demonstration on nutrient requirement of Grand nain banana 

4. Popularisation of finger millet variety ATL-1 in summer rice fallows

5. Demonstration of drought resistant forage crops

6. Demonstration of propping technology for banana 

7. Demonstration on harvesting time of Nendran banana in 3 AEU of Wayanad district 

8. Demonstration of high yielding varieties of French bean (Arka Sharath) 

9. Integrated disease Management of Downy mildew in bitter gourd

10. Integrated  Disease management of blast disease in paddy 

11. Integrated management of yellowing in Coconut 

12. Scientific udder management for mastitis control

13.Biosecurity measures in small scale farms for disease prevention 

14. Preparation of silage in drums 

15. Demonstration of integrated farming system for enhancing income

16. Demonstration of Vinegar from coconut water 

17. Demonstration of fermented milk products

18. Demonstration of Value-added products from  Arrowroot 


1. Demonstration on application of IISR ginger micronutrient mix using UAV

2. Demonstration of nano urea in paddy

3. Demonstration of finger millet variety GPU-67 in summer rice fallows

4. Demonstration of suitable intercrops in early stages of Nendran banana cultivation

5. Demonstration of Integrated Nutrient Management in Grand naine banana

6. Demonstration of Integrated Crop Management in Banana

7. Demonstration of drought resistant pepper varieties

8. Demonstration of cashewnut shell liquid based botanical for pest management in cowpea

9. Demonstration of Arka Microbial Consortium for foot rot in black pepper

10. Demonstration of sorghum variety Co32

11. Demonstration of Herboliv plus for preventing attack of wild animals in paddy

12. Integrated management of yellowing in Coconut– 2nd year

13. Preparation of silage in drums 

14. Demonstration of drought resistant forage crops